Chad's Story

Chad Bear

Chad was born at the Strasburg Bear Factory--one of their Russ bears. He was originally a Christmas present for Holly's Dad, but he now lives with Holly and her hug. Here's the story of how he was born....

Holly was desperately trying to find something for her Dad for Christmas one year. She knew she wanted to buy him a teddy bear, but she was unsure which one to get him. So, one day she made the long journey down to Strasburg to find one. She carefully looked around the store trying to find the perfect little bear, but there were many cute and cuddly bears, she had a hard time picking one out! When the search seemed hopeless, she finally spotted a basket with Chad and a World's Best Dad mug sitting on a shelf.

She took the basket up to Sally (the owner) and Sally put a big blue Nutcracker bow on the package and Holly and her new friend left the store. On Christmas day, Dad was very surprised and happy to see a Chad under the tree! Soon afterwards Chad's father (Dad Bear) and mother (Laura Bear) joined the hug and they've been a very happy family.

Through the years Chad has had a very adventurous life. When Holly went away to college, he frequently came up and visited her and became a close friend to Janet, her roommate. And when Holly moved out, he came up to visit and then decided he liked her house so much, he would stay with her. Now, he's secured himself a place in the hug and all the new bears look up to him and Bigfoot for guidance, but he still enjoys getting out and having adventures.

In fact, a few years ago when visiting Boyd's Bear Factory in Gettysburg, PA, he even met his cousin--Matthew and his brother! Holly picked them both up, sent one cousin to her friend Janet and Matthew has joined the hug. Chad and Matthew spend a lot of time together now and are looking forward to meeting more family members.
